Durbin Supports Ban On Russian Fuel Imports – WMAY (Springfield)

U.S. Senator Dick Durbin says the U.S. can not continue to purchase fuel from Russia while Vladimir Putin engages in war with Ukraine.
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2 years ago

The amazing thing today is that there are still people who voted for these people who believe things are still OK and they aren’t ready to say things are bad. People are just nuts. They still blame the former president for everything wrong in their lives. The level of damage done through brainwashing using manipulated video and miss information done over the 5 years against the previous administration should be a crime. It all continues. george Stephanopolis did it last Sunday when he manipulated a speech by the former president to purposefully make him look like he supported Putin.

Let's go RED in 2022
2 years ago

He and his buddy JB must have investments in Venezuela and Iran. After all, they probably want to fund all communist countries equally. Voters need to ask why we spend our money filling pockets of other countries when Dems are in control. Everytime.

Pat S.
2 years ago

Dickie Durban is a total embarrassment – what is he thinking? Is he thinking? Does he ever think?

What we need is a two-pronged approach: ease off Russian oil while starting up energy production shut down by his buddy, Mr. Biden.

Balance … it’s all about balance.

A total ban without an instant increase in U.S. production would result in scarcity and with scarcity comes more inflation and higher prices … on everything that travels by truck. Yup, everything.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pat S.

The story is that the US will offset Russian oil by….and I kid not…..buying Venezuelan and Iranian oil. Because you must understand that Biden can’t drill, baby, drill in the US because it looks bad for him politically to succumb to right wing talking points and anger his ecoterrorist voter base. Everything Biden does is politics – everything – and nothing he does is for the benefit of the American people. Only when you realize that his cabal cares only about it’s own political power, every bad and disastrous decision makes perfect sense. That’s why he’s trying to buy oil… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by debtsor
2 years ago
Reply to  debtsor

I’m conservative but I’d don’t care for false narratives no matter which ideology puts it out. First I disagree with sanctioning Russian oil as China will gobble up what we don’t buy so pointless. But the public outcry from both left and right was for sanctions so I guess they’re cool with pump prices going up more.  With this drill topic so many falsehoods being pushed.  A) The Biden admin has actually issued more permits to drill his first year than Trump did. 3,557 vs 2,658 leading climate groups to be unhappy with the admin.  B) There are only two… Read more »

2 years ago

Things sure have changed in the USA sice Biden was elected

2 years ago
Reply to  Riverbender

Not really if you keep your head out of political narratives. The US has had recessions, stagflation, gas rationing, failed wars (Vietnam), a cold war, multiple impeached presidents, protestors shot by national guard any number of events that seemed far worse at the time then we see today.

2 years ago
Reply to  Randy

This is like Kim Foxx saying “But crime was worse in the 90’s!” That’s no excuse for the exponential rise in crime today.

The 90’s was almost two generations ago, and the list of calamities you mentioned above mostly didn’t happen in my lifetime, and more than half the people living in the US today have no living memory of these events.

So yeah, when multiple events like this in a year’s time, it’s perfectly OK to say that it all occurred since Biden was elected.

Especially compared to the relative prosperity during the Trump years

Stinky Sphincter
2 years ago

All of the Biden administration initiatives were not going to effect working men and women one bit. Quote from Biden to that effect and parroted by every democrap tyrant. Not one bit. Nobody is suffering financial hardships under Biden, nobody, just ask Durbin.

2 years ago

I don’t follow him that closely, but I don’t recall any politician in my lifetime, including Biden, ever claiming their policies wouldn’t affect working men and women. Politicians are well known to stretch the truth but that seems a bit much.

Ex Illini
2 years ago

Dick needs to talk to his pal Joe, who is watching his administration go up in flames. He was too busy appeasing the climate change progressives to worry about oil prices. Who is feeling the pinch the most from out of control inflation and ever increasing gas prices? Why, I believe it’s the 81 million that voted for Joe. Somehow I’m supposed to believe that Biden’s approval rating spiked higher after his snoozefest state of the union speech. They must gave polled Dr. Jill and Hunter.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ex Illini

Why would Biden voters be affected any differently by economy than any other US citizen?

While Joe has his flaws going up in flames is mostly a political narrative you only hear from the right just like Trump was a pariah to the left.

As far as climate change progressives they’re not terribly pleased with Biden who actually issued more drilling permits first year than Trump did. The only real negative towards oil production is the moratorium on leasing federal land but I suspect Biden will loosen that at some point.


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