Mass Federalization: How Washington is Bailing Out Failed States, Decapitating Competitive Ones and Ending America As You Knew It – Wirepoints

By: Mark Glennon* 

An astonishingly sweeping, radical movement to level cities and states is underway, propping up the failures and pounding down those that have been successful. Most everything is being federalized. The role of cities and states as we have known them as laboratories of democracy is being eviscerated. It’s being financed by both the United States Treasury and the Federal Reserve bank, which are now joined at the hip in fiscal profligacy.

Much of it is proceeding under the false labels of pandemic relief and fiscal stimulus. It’s happening at such a rapid pace that the paper of record for government overreach, The Washington Post, fears that “the sheer volume of new programs threatens to swamp federal agencies.”

It’s a fundamental and historic remake of America, though its impact hasn’t yet come close to sinking in. Some of the numbers that follow seem beyond belief, but they are real. If claiming that pending legislation will destroy America as you know it seems like exaggeration, read on to see what its supporters say, because it’s their commentary that is most revealing.

The plan to federalize government is already moving and has three parts:

  • Flood every unit of local government with federal cash, irrespective of need, while prohibiting tax cuts, thereby bailing out failing states and cities.
  • Make that flood of federal money made regular and permanent.
  • Annul or override state laws that make certain states competitive, thereby eliminating their competitive advantages, and federalize elections to make it all permanent.

Let’s go through each.

Flood every unit of local government with federal cash, irrespective of need, while prohibiting tax cuts, thereby bailing out failing states and cities:

Start with the recently signed ARP, the American Rescue Plan. Its scope is under-reported and the public is unaware. Having been routinely styled as coronavirus relief or economic stimulus, it’s perhaps the most blatant bait-and-switch in American history.

Wages and salaries during for the first ten months of the pandemic dropped by only 3.4% from the same period in the red-hot economy we had before then, or $276 billion in lost wages. That’s from former U.S. Director of the Office of Management and Budget David Stockman. Same for the hit to Gross Domestic Product, which also dropped by the same percentage, a reduction of about $775 billion.

But ARP together with federal money already delivered is about $6 trillion! Even if you want to count everything, the bailout total is 7.7x the size of the problem, wrote Stockman.

Don’t think that might ease your state and local tax burden. The downpour of cash on cities and states, most of which don’t need it, is all tied to a provision in ARP that bans tax cuts. It’s a mandate for statism – big government – whether states with small government philosophies like it or not.

“Thou shalt be statists and big spenders,” that’s what ARP might as well say as a direct federal mandate.

Most of ARP commentary about cities and states has wrongly focused only on the $350 billion that will go directly to them. That’s a small part and entirely misses the bigger picture.

Illinois is an example. Its share of that $350 billion is $13.2 billion. But what’s the true amount that will come to Illinois under ARP?

Start with over $25 billion Illinois Senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth proudly announced in a press release. Aside from the $13.2 billion for state and local governments, there’s $5 billion for Illinois K-12 schools, $1.3 billion for higher education, $1.3 billion for child care, $1.5 billion for Chicago area transit agencies, $1.5 billion for Illinois public health, and much more. It goes beyond what even Durbin and Duckworth described.

None of that includes the the cash handouts coming in the mail soon, which are still more costly. Payments up to $1,400 for adults and any dependent are on the way, subject only to very high income limits. Only households with earnings of more than $80,000 for single filers, $120,000 for head of households and $160,000 for married filing jointly will not receive any payment.

Add it all up and you have more spending on “COVID relief” than America spent to win World War II, inflation adjusted.

And it’s not a one-year effort.

Make the flood of federal money regular and permanent.

Most of the flood of federal cash, supporters expect, will continue permanently. Look at what the left’s pundits say:

For now, these changes to the [child tax credit] are set to expire after a single year. But Democratic leaders intend to make the program permanent. (The apparent strategic logic of making it temporary goes like this: Making the child allowance permanent in the relief bill would have pushed its price tag above $2 trillion, thereby endangering moderate support. But once moderates are faced with a choice between voting for an expensive extension of the policy and allowing every family in America to simultaneously see their disposable income shrink right before a midterm election, they will rally behind “big government.”) The Democrats’ fiscal philosophy is now apparently “There is nothing to fear but fear of deficits itself.”

  • The New York Times’ David Brooks:

Black farmers will receive over $4 billion in what looks like a step toward reparations. There’s a huge expansion of health insurance subsidies. Many of these changes, like the child tax credit, may well become permanent. This moment is like 1981, the dawn of the Reagan Revolution, except in reverse. It’s not just that government is heading in a new direction, it’s that the whole paradigm of the role of government in American life is shifting.

  • “It is a baby step toward universal basic income, or guaranteed income,” says the Brookings Institute. “The significance of this moment in U.S. social policy is hard to overstate.”
  • Politico says that “a radical change in the social fabric of the United States has become a reality and with it, an opportunity for the Democratic Party no one could have imagined 50 days ago.”
  • Prospect is most direct. “Federalize it, Joe Biden,” says its headline. “Education too. Federalizing social programs would be a huge step toward expanding the welfare state and ending poverty permanently. If passage of further legislative packages proves even more difficult, as Republican opposition increases and the Senate’s Democratic moderates dig in their heels, it would be an easy step to protect the gains of the ARP and secure Biden’s presidential legacy from the get-go.”

Yup, K-12 education, higher education, welfare programs, reparations and more it’s all to be federalized and made permanent, subject to federal rules. Those changes include ending work requirements for welfare that were added by the Clinton Administration.

Based only on the things Democrats have said they want to make permanent, the total cost of ARP would, over ten years, reach $4.1 trillion with interest, according to the Committee for a Responsible Budget.

Bailing out public pensions would add more to the bill, and that’s in the cards, too. ARP includes $86 billion to rescue private sector multi-employer retirement funds with no demands for reform and, as a Wall Street Journal editorial put it, “This is the first of many such air-drops to come.”

Annul or override state laws that make certain states competitive, thereby eliminating their competitive advantages, and federalize elections to make it all permanent.

Here is where the ban on tax cuts comes in. Keep taxing and spending as you have been – that’s the universal mandate under ARP – then also spend the cash the federal government is dropping like manna from heaven. Today’s well-run states will thereby loose much of their competitive advantage.

Additional pending federal legislation specifically aims to deprive thriving states of what has given them comparatively advantage.

First, there’s the what the Wall Street Journal called the most radical pro-union labor bill since the 1935, which would erase right-to-work laws in 27 states.

A federal gun control law has already passed the House.

Finally, and most importantly, there’s perhaps the most pernicious bill proposed in modern history: H.R. 1, the “For the People Act.”

It would strip state governments and local election boards of power to run our elections, federalizing the election process. It would mandate same-day and automatic voter registration, and encourage vote trafficking of absentee ballots. It would be the end of voter ID laws and restrict efforts to verify voter registration lists. It would create a public funding program for candidates running for Congress. It would put new regulations on political speech and activity, by activists, candidates, civic groups, corporations and nonprofit organizations. Membership in organizations the left doesn’t like would be disclosed, leading to harassment and intimidation.


The average American is no doubt unaware of how extreme all of this is, and how quickly it is moving. Polls say support for ARP is very high, probably because people are aware of little more than the checks now on their way to them. They’ve been bribed with their own money, never considering that they and their children will have to repay most of it.

Pouring gasoline on that fire is the Federal Reserve Bank, the U.S. Treasury’s partner in profligacy. It will create out of thin air some, but not all, of the funds needed to federalize so much, though the long-term consequences are unknown. They’ve embarked on the biggest monetary experiment in American history.

Henry Kaufman is a venerable voice from the past on fiscal and monetary issues. He concludes a soon-to-be released book with this, as reported by Barron’s:

With the federal government and the Fed firmly joined at the hip, the transformation of capitalism into statism is gaining momentum, perhaps irreversibly. Not only is this a great departure from the vision of America’s founders, I suspect it is also not the kind of economic system most Americans living today want to leave for future generations.

How can that switch to statism be happening with so little public attention?

Conservatives and Republicans in Congress bear part of the blame. They haven’t been getting dire warnings out as aggressively as they should. They also bear partial blame for earlier relief measures, parts of which were overbroad, poorly targeted and riddled with fraud, which formed part of the federalization. Politico is right when it said “Republicans…never bothered to train the full fury of their fire at a series of provisions that took the nation several steps down the road to social democracy.”

If they have any excuse, maybe it’s because they have been caught flat-footed. Who could have thought that anything so extreme could be attempted by leftists who hold so thin a majority in Congress?

We are stunned, too. At Wirepoints, we’ve long heard second-hand that many Illinois politicians who ignore the state’s pension crisis say, in private, that they expected the problem to be eventually federalized – that was the term we heard they used. We knew that attempt was coming but we never suspected that a plan so drastic, to federalize so much, would ever be considered.

Make no mistake about the historical gravity of what is taking place. States as the laboratories of democracy are being shut down and replaced with a national juggernaut more overbearing than most Americans have ever imagined.

It was Justice Louis D. Brandeis in 1932 who famously described the virtue of our system. “It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country,” he wrote. “To stay experimentation in things social and economic is a grave responsibility. Denial of the right to experiment may be fraught with serious consequences to the nation.”

Destruction of that right is precisely what is happening.

Wake up, America. At all cost, this movement must be stopped and, insofar as it has already succeeded, it must be reversed.

*Mark Glennon is founder of Wirepoints.

Read Wirepoints’ full report on the federal bailout: The states’ 2020 financials are in: Biden’s billions in new federal aid aren’t needed

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Juicy Smollier
3 years ago

If not peaceful separation, secession will be the only way out. Unless you want to move out of the country, which is not a bad idea.

You guys can pretend that the trannies and degenerates elevated by the corrupt government and corporate link aren’t a problem. Me, I’ll go to a place where people actually aren’t against someone trying to love God and have a family with a wife who actually is feminine, not a weak, wannabe version of a man.

3 years ago

“$5 billion for Illinois K-12 schools, $1.3 billion for higher education, $1.3 billion for child care, $1.5 billion for Chicago area transit agencies, $1.5 billion for Illinois public health”

WHAT?!? Money for education, child care, mass transit and public health?!? OMG! These liberal marxist big spenders are OUT OF CONTROL and must be STOPPED before they ruin America!

3 years ago
Reply to  alan2102

This was a union worker bailout so that the state won’t do any layoffs. Everyone else sacrificed during the pandemic. Except union public workers.

You know that’s why they’re spending billions on things unrelated to covid. It’s free money to Democrats who voted for Democrats.

3 years ago

Is this news? Every person with a functioning brain knew this was coming if Trump lost the election. Yet, people still voted for Biden, an incompetent old man with a serious cognitive deficiency and massive anger problem. It is too late know. People should have engaged their brains before they engaged their hands and cast the vote.

3 years ago
Reply to  doobie1057

They voted for Biden, but after watching yesterday’s press conference, it’s clear that the Deep State is in charge. The leftist progressives are running the government behind the scenes with a placeholder president. This is obvious to everyone. The press knows it too even though they are lying for him. Too see the farce of a presidency right now is all I need to know that they clearly and obviously stole the election and used Biden’s presidency as the vehicle. It really makes me angry, so angry, that people think this is somehow ‘good’ or better than Trump. It’s an… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by debtsor
3 years ago
Reply to  debtsor

Progressives aren’t running Biden

They got overruled too.
The wealthiest of the world are running this for their gain and everyone elses loss

3 years ago
Reply to  Clace

Progressives are but a cover for the corps which control the media and which are controlled by a select upper rich who want things done their way.
No poor or average citizen can keep up with the financial assets increasing in value that the upper third owns.
The wealth difference in this country is fed by govt deficits and FED money creation to feed them, which makes the rich richer.

Juicy Smollier
3 years ago
Reply to  Fantum2

Exactly right. They don’t pay capital gains on it until they sell, to boot. Meanwhile, inflation destroys the middle class and savers. The entire globalist agenda has been a particular end times theology which is always climate in origin, but once that failed because it was such a lie, the end times scenario switched to the fear based manipulation of an unseen enemy, the virus. Forget that causes no symptoms in 80%+ and kills only half a percent of those infected (of those we know are infected). Flatten the curve? Just kidding. Lockdowns? Nah they are way too fun for… Read more »

3 years ago

“The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.”


Without the 16th Amendment the federal union might be marginally sustainable, with it our choices are but two. The first: Abolish the 16th Amendment. The second: Abolish the despicable union which created it.

Before income taxes the powers of governments were limited by a lack of financial resources. After their imposition governments gained virtually unlimited powers.

3 years ago

“... joined at the hip in fiscal profligacy…”

Seriously? “Joined at the hip” as first elucidated in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” where Holly Golightly writes that she is “...joined at the hip” with her new boyfriend in South America?
Well, maybe that really is what the writer here means. Could be.

Smarg Jones
3 years ago

Democrats are the enemy.

David Simmons
3 years ago
Reply to  Smarg Jones

Always have been !

3 years ago
Reply to  Smarg Jones

This isn’t Democrats.

It’s the wealthy dictators doing this.

Democrats are getting wiped out too

Vicki L. Williams
3 years ago

They are afraid of not being able to pull off another MAJOR cheat! This bill is nothing more than trying to legalize all the fraud they committed during the last election cycle but continue to deny!

A Lost Pilgrim's Journey
3 years ago

What we object to is an interesting cultural climax that every wasted mind lusts for, shouting ‘God is dead – the night is ours’! Political whores infect every Western institution created to secure those traditional enlightened values upon which man has advanced over the ages. Liberty is bought with blood, it is lost by those who grow fat, dumb and happy about being fat, dumb and happy. Cold steel in the hands of resolved men creates opportunity, be the man!

g wiltek
3 years ago

I can feel something is not right! I am just waiting for something major to break, I don’t know what.
People are sitting with so much pent up anxiety and anger. It has to come out.

Lee White
3 years ago

Watch old senile Joe Biden confess to putting together a voter fraud organization:

Big Perm
3 years ago

The ship has already sailed on America. That’s all done. The left already own all the institutions of power, control and culture. The question seems more what we’re going to allow it to become. Soon enough the right will not be represented in the govt at all. Then what?

3 years ago

A few targets Republicans could use to get the public on their side are checks for prisoners and illegals. What about turning the table and beating the drum loudly on SALT being tax-cuts for the rich?

left blank
3 years ago

govt employee labor unions UNIONS have become the unaccountable 4th branch of a hijacked secret govt soros quote from the book titled – shadow party. ” the govt employee labor unions are my shadow party” unions violating laws & claim it is legal under patriot act loopholes all done with taxpayer money UNIONS are paying themselves billions in over time pay to get their liberals elected who can then reward them with higher pay and larger retirement pensions Plus – YOU the taxpayers are forced to buy the million dollar homes for these USPS UNION workers to live in… Read more »

Tyranny is descending
3 years ago

This is what tyranny looks like, folks. They don’t care what the Constitution says, regardless of the fact that it is illegal to violate it … but who of the corrupt and rotten agencies of the inherently illegitimate government will enforce minor laws if they are going to ignore the supreme law of the land?

3 years ago

Hopefully, Armageddon will clean up a lot of this mess.

3 years ago

Commies and cowards have taken over Congogress. Don’t know what else to tell you Christians.

Last edited 3 years ago by Nerogro
left blank
3 years ago

federalization or FEMA or govt is here to help ONLY themselves …..
word games – govt employee agencies (govt unions) are just another word for
> greedy monopoly insider <
NWO bilderberg oligarchs’ who have gained access to taxpayer funded resources (bribed politicians ) for protection of their own wealth & property

  • hear the centuries old plan
  • explained in great detail

or simplified quick version here

follow your stolen tax money (bailouts & stimulus’ )
directly to the elected politicians offshore tax havens based in biden’s Delaware

Last edited 3 years ago by left blank
3 years ago

THERE ARE A FEW FLYS IN THE OINTMENT,THE PEOPLE WILL NOT GIVE UP THEIR GUNS,THEY WON”T LIKE OBAMA COMING BACK FOREVER AS LEADER,THE FARMS ARE BEING SHUT DOWN AND DESTROYED,the famine will bring out the worst of people,NO ONE will watch as their five year old starves to death,SADLY very few will resist the mark of the beast”OBAMAS MARK,HIS TATOO”and the rest of the world is sick and tied of america bombing them and stealing their resourses,and WILL BOMB THIS COUNTRY INTO ASHES,the FALSE FLAGS are know by to many now,WAR IN THE STREETS by the US MILITARY,THE POLICE GANGS… Read more »

Thee Jabroni
3 years ago
Reply to  arizona

if i were Putin,kim jong un,or the leader of china i would invade now because half the country,the leftists,are to busy being ” outraged or ” offended about VERY important things such as dr. Oz hosting jeopardy,someone calling a transgender sir,or equal rights for lgbtqrzzgfs?-these are VERY important issues to the leftists,that,and what they can get from the government for free or “reparations for the victimized black people in evanston!-im outraged,i ll let u know tomorow what im outraged about!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Thee Jabroni

They don’t have to do anything. I think it was Napoleon who said, “Never get in the enemy’s way when he is making a mistake.”

left blank
3 years ago

trillions & trillions of dollars stolen from the american people over the past 30 years
will have to be borrowed from someone else (higher taxes) to avoid the financial collapse .
those who cant pay the higher taxation needed to fund the racketeering fraud
(YOU) will end up foreclosed & homeless ..

Last edited 3 years ago by left blank
3 years ago

“I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.” – Honest Abe, founder of the anti-slavery Republican party.

Talking of ‘Gov’t’ in the third person and being a government sponge is nothing to be proud of.

3 years ago

Call it what you want but the govt. will get farther and do more to address US homelessness than any number of whiny internet journalists you’d care to shake your pointer stick at.

Tom Paine's Ghost
3 years ago
Reply to  Bert33

Sorry to burst your bubble but most homelessness is not from poverty or joblessness but from mental illness, drug addiction or alcoholism. Most of the chronically homeless that you see living on a sidewalk are there by choice. The shelters won’t allow their drug and alcohol use. Instead they prefer a ‘better’ life begging for booze and drug money while standing in traffic. Giving them any money makes you feel better but simply extends their grifting. The mentally ill and addicted need treatment; anything else is a waste of my tax dollars. Some of the addicted will chose to not… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Bert33

War on poverty, war on drugs, war on terror. All catastrophic govt. failures.

g wiltek
3 years ago
Reply to  MikeH

All are covers for more power, more suppression and looting. The military industrial complex is running the show.

3 years ago
Reply to  g wiltek


3 years ago
Reply to  Bert33

The wealthiest of the world bought the Democratic party for their own benefit.

These people always lie and never deliver. They get more power from more homeless, disenfranchised people.
The government is now despotic billionaires.
The naive let them do it

3 years ago

Buy guns and ammo with stimulus. Give the the thieving usurpers ZERO in taxes. You are at WAR act accordingly

3 years ago

Wait until they drop another 3 trillion for infrastructure out of helicopters and the inevitable inflation that will make your money worthless.

Stephen J Hiller
3 years ago

It’s called “level the playing field” that ruined sports. When I was a kid ( a long time ago ) every boy in the neighborhood wanted to be a New York Yankee because they were the BEST. Now nobody cares. The same will happen – is happening – to this country that used to be the envy of the world.

3 years ago

What they don’t understand is that the playing field was already level- all states must play by the rules of the US Constitution.

What was different was the various strategies used to play. Some strategies are better than others. That does not mean the playing field isn’t level. But since progressive strategies don’t work, they whine that the field is not level.

3 years ago

Mark: what a tour-de-force….Touchee mon ami. I suspected as much with Obama, having studied his background more than most ppl— fueled by the curiosity of his starting at Occidental College in L.A. County 3 months after i graduated. His fervent desire was to fundamentally transform America, never specifically describing it, but i knew ecactly what he wanted and now most Dem-legislators are on-board, unfortunately. When he transferred to Columbia univ after 2 yrs at Oxy, id be surprised if he DIDNT take at least one class from Cloward or Piven, who hated capitalism so much they wanted to wreak havoc… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  StvOh

Do you really think obama has a single idea?
He is a puppet of the ultra wealthy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Clace

Who do you think put him and kept him in power, starting in Illinois? His record as a community organizer? Sure.

3 years ago

You have two kids: one is financially responsible and the other isn’t. If you give both three times their salary, what happens? The irresponsible child blows through the money and asks for more. The responsible child buys unnecessary stuff, but uses most of the funds responsibly. Conservatives need to highlight the plan and outcome. The ‘solution’ provided by Dems will destroy Dem run institutions. Our minority communities will be harmed beyond imagination. Our Universities will become useless and empty. Our school system will become more exclusive by suburbs and private schools. Incomes will crater by inflation and elimination. Stagflation will… Read more »

3 years ago

We are in for a very rough ride. No socialist country that created fiat currency has ever survived more than a few decades. Our government has “kicked the can down the road” long enough to take us far beyond any semblance of solvency and has spent our great grandchildren’s legacy. When inflation drives prices beyond the affordability of what is remaining of the middle class the collapse of a nation begins. It is fueled by politicians who believe they only have to print more currency out of thin air to save us all. The entire 1.9 trillion is no more… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Politicians don’t decide.
The wealthiest of the world own them.
The wealthy want to destroy everyone but themselves
That’s the intention

3 years ago
Reply to  Clace

There are a few billion getting in their way.

3 years ago

This so-called “Federalization” is no less than GLOBALIZATION. It is Treason, plain and simple. Intentional Indebtedness forced upon the People beyond their will, aka “Taxation by Misrepresentation”, which stands above “Taxation without Representation” in it’s evil.

Henryk A. Kowalczyk
3 years ago

I try not to do it but, coincidentally, I wrote an article that complements Mark’s arguments:

3 years ago

Henryk: Very good article you wrote, but Mark’s cuts to the chase of a MAJOR upheaval right now, yes its been going in since 1933 but the Dems are taking it to the limits— eviscerating states’ rights and growing the federal govt to dangerous levels. Your description of Argentina did not describe any states they might have had.

3 years ago

Illinois has spent their history paying in more federal taxes than they receive. Maybe it’s time for the rest of America to give a little back.

“good” states like Florida still have multi billion dollar budget deficits for 2020,btw.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Does Florida have $300 billion public pension liability? btw

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Paul: You missed the entire point of the current Democrats in DC….what they’re doing. And who even knows or cares about your spit in the ocean of a Comment? No one who’s fully functional and aware.

3 years ago

ok, i read this article , and i’m impressed. powerful information and powerful thought avenues- powering us to perceive , some degrees of the incredible dire situation that is unfolding. I start to trust you a little bit now. sincerely. Please understand; so many times, looking for an honest and true news source, i find one that at first look , seems to be true and good – but, after a short time , i can see that they are one more clutch of people , that are not what they try to project. For example, ‘Populist press’ emerged as… Read more »

are you real
3 years ago

why do you want our thoughts. ?

Thee Jabroni
3 years ago
Reply to  are you real

duh,my name is homer simpson and im clueless!!

3 years ago

keep up the good work!

3 years ago

Our schools teach White students that they are immoral and contemptible if they don’t support the White Genocide that’s being carried out by massive third-world immigration and FORCED assimilation i.e diversity in EVERY White country and ONLY White countries.

Their teachers never tell them,“White self-hatred is SICK!!!“

Those teachers claim to be anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

Last edited 3 years ago by Larkenson
Jeffrey Kirsch
3 years ago

Trump deserves blame too, as well as McConnell. Anyone with an ounce of political acumen (who actually cared about the country) should’ve had a laserlike focus on the GOP winning the Georgia runoffs. Attacking the integrity of the GA election, knowing he couldn’t win even if he did win GA (what about WI? AZ? No signs of fraud there either?) and coming out for $2K refunds at the 11th hour, being opposed by McConnell, despite having months previously to negotiate this, lost it. Which puts us in the situation we’re in. Thanks, Trump and GOP.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jeffrey Kirsch
3 years ago
Reply to  Jeffrey Kirsch

Mcconnell followed the mccain romney roles
Paid to lose
Do you understand it’s been intentional?
You’re looking for a scapegoat instead of understanding how one set of dictators operate the two parties.
It’s been evident for some time.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeffrey Kirsch

The losses in GA are the responsibility of GA voters, but mostly the counters.

3 years ago

Great piece Mark!! For left wing pols obsessed with the word “equity” when it comes to “federalizing the pension debt” what bs aguement they will come up with to justify bailout of multi-millionare pensioners in bankrupt Illinois vrs shared sacrifice pensioners in zero pension debt Wisconsin will be an interesting snake-oil salesmen carnival show (maybe hire mendoza as carnival barker). Which im sure for its success will depend completely on the gullibility of the average dullard voter, (happy with thier little $1,400 biden bucks to buy a 5 foot flat screen )

3 years ago

Zimbabwe, Armenia, ooh I wanna take ya
Aus-tri-a, Ser-bi-a, come on pretty mama
the Weimar, the Congo
baby why dont we go

Fed up neighbor
3 years ago

Mark, one question how many Americans do you really think realize what is going on around them and what is going to happen in the future, it was a beautiful weekend talked with a bunch of folks about a variety of things, touched on the subject about the state of affairs in this country some agreed and the majority were absolutely dumb struck or didn’t give a damn. Problem, people need to be more educated as to what is happening, any thoughts on how this can be stopped.

Last edited 3 years ago by Fed up neighbor
3 years ago

The people who voted Illinois into this mess and fled the state need to pay for what they’ve done. Many are Republicans, btw.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Paul: That makes zero sense. In fact, it is the opposite of sensible, thus we call it nonsensical. Please put on your thinking cap.

3 years ago

Spot on. This ignorance is fueled by what I call “the comfort circle”. People wear blinders and travel in their circle of comfort. Home, work, grocery store, theater, sporting event, friends and etc. – they do not care who is spending tax dollars or, in this case, borrowed fiat currency and they absolutely have no idea what is going on anywhere in the world. If you want to get their attention take away their food, TV, internet and ability to spend because each of those is a part of their comfort circle. What you will get is a whiner who… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Jack

Jack: The reason ppl dont know whats going on is that the main media outlets long ago abdicated their responsibility to be the watchdogs of truth and govt accountability. When was the last time the NYT ran a feature story on the irresponsible city and state govt behavior , causing meltdowns in so many facets of life, right in their backyard? Never.

Last edited 3 years ago by StvOh
3 years ago

‘need to be more educated’ ? Most get their ‘education’ from the media, which lies like a cheap rug.
A few associates of mine swear that Biden is great, and are unaware of Hunter.

3 years ago

The radicals understand that they must level the states to have any chance at realizing their dream. They cannot allow a West Germany/East Germany situation. They will not allow Florida and Texas to exist as a demonstration of the failure of their policies.

That is why it is futile to believe that simply leaving Illinois will fix your problems.

Fed up neighbor
3 years ago
Reply to  Heyjude

Hey Jude your last line is so true I ponder about leaving and getting out of this hell hole of a state, I could sit hear and name endless reasons, but like my father always told me the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Other states are going or will be going thru tuff times like Illinois and no moving may or may not fix your problems. You can’t simply keep running from problems you have to make the best of things and outsmart these politicians, play them at there own game.

3 years ago

That’s a classic example of Illinois Ignorance.
The grass is greener on the other side.
Since you have never left Illinois you have no idea.

3 years ago
Reply to  Indy

For now

3 years ago
Reply to  Indy

I have family in Florida and visit regularly. The grass is not greener. They have a saying here, “you get half your pay in sunshine”.

Jeff Carter
3 years ago

But, Orange Man Bad

Illinois Entrepreneur
3 years ago

I’d like to say this is shocking, but honestly, it’s not. This is just Democrats living up to their persona. Number one, they are control freaks. Number two, they don’t like competition against their ideas. They delude themselves into thinking that “if only everyone did what we know is best, then it would work.” It’s why they insist that “socialism will work this time, mainly because WE know how to do it properly.” Number three, very few of them have actually studied economics, and do not realize the long-term consequences of printing and helicoptering this amount of money onto the… Read more »

3 years ago

You do understand that Democrats have been caught in a trap too, just with different cheese that they don’t yet understand

Many are unaware that the wealthiest of the world own their party for the benefit of the wealthiest, who want to destroy the progressives too

Hank Scorpio
3 years ago

Not sure why anyone is surprised by any of this. Biden obviously knows his health is going downhill quick and only has a very limited time remaining, which means he only cares about his historical legacy and does not need to worry about living through his policies. The silver lining here is that this will eventually blow up in their face and the democratic party will split into 2 or 3 factions that will eat each other alive.

Wolfgang Schultz
3 years ago

It’s very difficult to believe any mainstream media (NPR, newspapers, tv, radio).

Howard F.
3 years ago

This is the best analysis of recent federal legislation I have seen to date. Federalization is in fact the central theme in what is happening.

3 years ago

The United States had a good run for awhile.

Jeff Carter
3 years ago
Reply to  LessonLearned

Yup, the only answer to drek like this is secession.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Carter

Or move to Australia. Until they shut the border to refugees.

3 years ago

Bravo, Mark. Great article!

Cream soda
3 years ago

After you read the Washington Post article read the comments posted. The people want socialism.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cream soda

The people who read the Washington Post want socialism, that is clear. Are there enough of us who oppose it to win the battle? I hope so, but they have created an environment where people are afraid to say what they really think.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cream soda

They don’t understand it’s a trap by the wealthiest to snare them too

3 years ago

I am tempted to believe that the American people will be outraged, and quickly put a stop to this attempt to impose socialism at the mid-term elections. Radicals have been pushing this program for decades, but incrementally and somewhat “under the radar”. Why have they become so brazen and willing to go for broke? They must not fear that it will all be undone in two years at the midterm. That is the purpose of HR1. Or else they believe that Americans will sell their souls for the proverbial “thirty pieces of silver” AKA stimulus checks. If we are ever… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Heyjude
3 years ago
Reply to  Heyjude

Because the masses don’t understand they have been duped by wealthy despots.

3 years ago

Normally people would say unconstitutional legislation would be taken to the SCOTUS and the Constitution upheld. But with John Robert’s, perhaps the biggest ‘Karen’ in D.C., I have my doubts. No one should be surprised after the fake election and refusals to even have an impartial hearing. State Governors and Legislatures will need to fight back. Many states did not take the ‘Obamacare’ money because of the strings, and then Republicans worked to remove the strings. Same with the fraudulently obtained ‘Covid stimulus’. Illinois is desperate for a bailout, so they will do anything. The rest of the country, particularly… Read more »


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Gov. Pritzker is using the threat of budget cuts to get more tax hikes passed – Wirepoints joins Tom Miller of WJPF Carbondale

Ted joined Tom Miller of WJPF to talk about the details of Gov. Pritzker’s proposed $52 billion budget, why the state is struggling now that federal covid dollars have run out, the controversy surrounding Tier 2 government pensions, why Illinois’ expensive education system fails to teach children to read, the outrageous demands of the Chicago Teachers Union, and more.

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Public education staffing has ballooned over the years…yet kids still can’t read – Wirepoints on with Jeff Daly of WZUS Decatur Radio

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